Parenting Programs
Tuesdays from 6:30-8:30 p.m. via Zoom.
Parenting Programs:
Triple P (Level 2 Triple P - Selected Triple P Level 3 Triple P - Primary Care, Primary care Stepping Stones, Discussion Group Level 4 Triple P - Group Triple P (for parents of children aged 1-12 years), Group Stepping Stones, Group Teen Triple P, Standard Triple P Level 5 Triple P Enhanced Triple P, Pathways Triple P, Lifestyles Triple P),
Nobody’s Perfect
Positive Discipline
Handle With Care
Kids Have Stress Too!
And more!
Family Programs
We offer a variety of family programs including:
Wiggle, Giggle & Munch
Mother Goose & Me
Baby Signs
ABC Music & Me by Kindermusik
RAPP and more!
Stay tuned for program schedule for September 2024- June 2025. This program is not running in July or August.
For the summer months, please join us at our Kiddie Olympics at Leger Park on Wednesday mornings, New London playgroup on Thursday mornings, Borden-Carleton playgroup on Friday mornings and our Summerside playgroup at Family Place on Saturday mornings.

Children's Programs
Reggio Kids! Summer Camp - Mon-Fri mornings 9:00 a.m. -12:00 noon and Tue, Wed & Thursdays 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Family Place, 75 Centrals Street, Summerside, PE. To register:
Summerside Play & Learn Playgroup - Mondays from 9:30-11:30 (for families with children aged infant to 5 years old). Summerside, PE. Drop in - registration is not required. This program does not run in July or August. Stay tuned for program schedule for September 2024.
Beyond the Bump New Baby Club - Tuesdays from 9:30-11:30, Summerside, PE. This program does not run in July or August. Stay tuned for program schedule for September 2024.
Kiddie Olympics - Wednesdays from 9:30-11:30 at the Leger Park for July and August 2024. Back at the Dome in September 2024 Credit Union Place, 511 Notre Dame St, Summerside, PE.
Family Programs - Wednesdays from 9:00-11:00 (for families with children aged infant to 5 years old) at the Dome. This program does not run in July or August. Stay tuned for program schedule for September 2024.
New London Play & Learn Playgroup – Thursdays from 9:30-11:30 New London Community Complex, 10227 Route 6, Kensington, PE. Year Round! Drop in - registration is not required.
Borden Carleton Play & Learn Playgroup - Fridays from 9:30-11:30 Public Library, 244 Borden Ave, Borden, PE. Year Round! Drop in - registration is not required.
Summerside Play & Learn Playgroup - Saturdays from 9:30-11:30 (for families with children aged infant to 5 years old). Family Place, 75 Central Street, Summerside, PE. Year round! Drop in - registration is not required.

NEW Program!
Car Seat Safety & Clinics
Do you have questions about your child’s car seat or booster seat? We will be hosting car seat clinics on Wednesday mornings beginning on September 25, 2024. Book a time to have trained car seat technicians help you make sure your child is safely buckled in the right seat. By appointment only. Email brenda(at) or kelsey(at) to set up an appointment.

Referral Services
Family Place maintains a comprehensive directory of programs and services offered in East Prince and provincially. Please call, e-mail or drop in for information.
Clothing Exchange & Community Cupboard
Through partnerships with local agencies, gently used infant, children’s and maternity clothing is available to families free of charge. We welcome donations of maternity, infant and children’s clothing and other items. We have a number of free resources on various topics including prenatal, infant care, nutrition, breastfeeding, parenting, etc. We also have a variety of 'helpful' items such as coupons, nonperishable food, personal hygiene items, etc.
Newborn Literacy Program
Books for Babies is a hospital based family literacy program for newborns and their parents/ caregivers living in Prince Edward Island. Parents are provided with literacy materials and referral information during their hospital stay after the birth of their newborn child. The program is designed to strengthen, promote and support family literacy; to support parents in their child’s early literacy and global development; to recognize and support parents as their child’s first and most important teacher; to build a foundation of positive attitudes towards literacy; and to make reading and books an integral part of the child’s life beginning at birth.

Healthy Living Programs
Fun Fit
Stroller Fit (part of Beyond the Bump)
Diaper Fit (part of Beyond the Bump)
Please checkout our Facebook group for more information. Summerside – Dates & Times TBA.
Maternity & Baby Clothes Basket
Through partnerships with local agencies, gently used infant, children’s and maternity clothing is available to families free of charge. We welcome donations of maternity, infant and children’s clothing and other items. We have a number of free resources on various topics including prenatal, infant care, nutrition, breastfeeding, parenting, etc.
Other Programs & Services
Reggio Kids! Early Learning, Pre-K & Childcare Centre (L#4466), New Beginnings Prenatal Classes, Beyond the Bump New Baby Club, Baby Massage, Baby Signs, Car Seat Clinics, Breast Pump loan, PEI Touch A Truck event, and more!
Registration & More Information
If you are interested in learning more or registering in any of these programs please contact the centre at, drop in at Family Place 75 Central Street in Summerside or phone (902) 436-1348.
Social Media:
Face Book Group
Face Book Page